Kiwis are a new obsession in my household, however, I seem to buy a batch, forget I’ve got them and then realise I have 6 to eat in a day before they go off. Hence my Wholemeal Kiwi & Pistachio Loaf. Now, a word of warning, these kiwi’s need to be ripe and sweet, a tart kiwi in a loaf is all kinds of wrong. This is Wholemeal, dairy free and I’ve tried to reduce the refined sugar a little, what’s the saying…every little helps…I hope you enjoy bakers!
Ingredients for Wholemeal Kiwi & Pistachio Loaf
175g shelled pistachios
180g wholemeal flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
75g caster sugar
75g honey (+ a little extra for drizzling)
60g veg oil
4 RIPE kiwi’s (skinned)
2 medium eggs
75ml soy/almond/oat milk
1 loaf tin, greased and lined
Preheat ovn to 180oC
1) In a food processor or nutri bullet whizz 100g of pistachio nuts until they are flour like (a few lumps is fine, but as close to flour like consistency as possible!). Pour this into a medium bowl with all the wholemeal flour and baking powder. Mix together with a wooden spoon until everything is dispersed evenly and set aside.
2) Take 3 of your peeled kiwi’s and pulse in a food processor/nutri bullet for a few seconds. In a large bowl chuck in the sugar, honey, oil and whizzed kiwi’s – whisk together. Once done, whisk in your eggs, one at a time, until everything looks like it is evenly mixed.
3) Pour half of the ‘flour’ mixture into your large bowl and lightly fold together. When everything looks like it is just about to come together add the remaining flour and all your milk and fold again. Pour in the remaining 75g of pistachio nuts (you can chop them up slightly if you don’t want them too large in your loaf – however, I like massive chunks) and fold again until they are evenly dispersed.
4) Pour this mixture into your prepared baking tin and flatten the top with the back of a spoon (for tips on how to make it rise evenly CLICK HERE and go to number 8). Take the remaining kiwi and slice as thinly as humanly possible. Using some kitchen towel, try and get out as much moisture as possible. I placed them between some sheets and pressed down – like soaking up something that had been spilt on the carpet! Place these in a neat line down the middle of your loaf (see pic).
5) Place on the middle shelf of your preheated oven for about 45-50 mins. After about 20/25mins place some foil over the top of the loaf so it doesn’t brown too much on top, but still cooks. It’s done when a skewer inserted comes out clean and it is browning around the edges.
6) As soon as you take it out of the oven drizzle about a tbsp (or 2!) of honey over the top of the loaf. Leave to cool in the tin and then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely – DO NOT CUT THIS UNTIL IT IS COMPLETELY COOL – otherwise it will crumble (I was impatient and it didn’t work out so well for me..)
There you have it, a Wholemeal Kiwi & Pistachio Loaf, for all your summer baking needs :)