Tag Archive: Oats

I’m on tour with a play at the moment and I am travelling to different parts of the UK every week. It’s quite a gruelling schedule – Poole to Blackpool, Exeter to Liverpool. Living out of a suitcase is definitely not for the faint hearted. I can’t travel much ‘stuff’, including food, as I’m not […]

I’ve been away on a UK tour of a show, hence a few less posts than normal, and I’ve been so eager to bake! I am back for a week and wanted to make something that I could take away with me as a bit of an energy lift during the interval of the show. […]

Everyone loves cheesecake, right? At least everyone I know loves cheesecake. I’m surrounded by cheesecake fiends. However, I’m not a fan of the MASSIVE calorie/sugar/fat content. I needed something that resembled a cheesecake that I could have half of and not feel toooo guilty. Nothing in the shops was inspiring me, so I made my […]

It’s just TOO hot to bake, but I want a nutritious and cooling snack. I got my thinking cap on and so here are my Nutty Fridge Bars – they live in the fridge to keep them fresh and cool and are sort of like a sticky version of a granola bar. Gluten Free and […]

I’ve over indulged. Again. My excuse: I’ve been busy, it was Easter, lots of food on the go, needing a quick sugar fix and no time to bake. The rush has calmed and so I made these SUPER SUPER HEALTHY Gluten and Dairy Free Cookies. I also challenged myself to keep the cost down, so […]

I was given a task. A vegan task. A request from Jonno’s (my boyfriend) friend, Gregg. I have been sending Jonno into work with various baking treats, trying to rid my household of what my will power cannot control. I have therefore been, mildly and happily, fattening the West End cast of Shakespeare In Love, […]

Traditional Bonfire Night Parkin is a customary bake from Lancashire to celebrate/commiserate (however you want to look at it) Guy Fawkes’ failed attempt at blowing up the houses of parliament – Guy Fawkes was from Lancashire. It’s traditionally eaten on the 5th Nov while watching fireworks. Also, to me, this is the very beginning of […]

Anyone else often have cereal as dessert?? I absolutely LOVE granola! Morning, noon and night. I’d be happy if this was the only meal I ate for the rest of my life (…maybe a slight exaggeration, this evening I made spicy chorizo burgers and that’s gotta be in my top 5 dinners…) Anyway, granola is […]

I thought it was about time I made a healthy bake (I’ve got a family wedding this weekend and didn’t want to be bloated in my new, slightly tighter than usual, dress) and so I created these Healthy Alternative Peanut Butter, Banana and Oat Muffins. I wanted something super good for you and super easy […]

My gorgeous friend Nellie has recently been told that she has to try and go gluten and dairy free (as have an increased number of others it seems). When she told me, she seemed a little overwhelmed, so I thought I’d make a simple recipe for her sweet (and now dairy and gluten free) tooth. […]

I took a last minute holiday the week just gone and found myself abandoning any healthy routine I usually have. I over ate (and drank) and got a bit lazy. I did, however, check my baking account and saw two requests. One for baking healthy on a budget and one for gluten free. Ah ha, […]

Peanut butter and peanuts. My mums favourite. When I go to get fed and loved by her, usually on a Sunday, I can often see a look in her eye – a look searching for a peanut inspired bake. Preferably something healthy (ish) that she won’t feel too guilty about. So this is my most […]

No butter, can be made dairy free, no refined sugar, wholemeal, oaty goodness how-many-am-I-allowed-to-eat-in-a-day cookies. Or I’ve shortened it to ‘on the go’ cookies. Do you ever get that sinking Sunday evening feeling? You know Monday is going to be one of those busy days, you’ll be on the go till your feet hit the […]

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