I like bread and I like dessert. I’m also a bit health conscience. So I made this ginger and maple syrup spelt loaf to cater for these three needs. I use a lot of wholemeal flour and came across spelt flour in my local supermarket and thought I’d give it a go. Spelt flour is […]
Tag Archive: Nuts
Ginger And Maple Syrup Spelt Loaf (Butter free, Reduced Refined Sugar)
January 1, 2015 by bright-admin - in Bread, Breakfast, Dessert, Free From, Healthy Alternative, Loaf
‘Feel Better’ Gluten Free Granola (Gluten, Dairy & Refined Sugar Free)
November 11, 2014 by bright-admin - in Free From, Gluten Free, Healthy Alternative
Anyone else often have cereal as dessert?? I absolutely LOVE granola! Morning, noon and night. I’d be happy if this was the only meal I ate for the rest of my life (…maybe a slight exaggeration, this evening I made spicy chorizo burgers and that’s gotta be in my top 5 dinners…) Anyway, granola is […]
Gluten Free Carrot & Walnut Trees (well, mini trees)
September 9, 2014 by bright-admin - in Cake, Cupcake, Free From, Gluten Free
I was asked to make a gluten free carrot cake for a good friends 30th birthday party and combined housewarming. Most of my friends love a good carrot cake, but I wanted to do something a little different and so I made these Gluten Free Carrot & Walnut Trees. Also, I always find that a […]
World Cup fever is definitely upon us and after last weekends result, I thought that maybe the boys needed some baking inspired help from home, hence the lemon, lime & Brazil nuts (get it?!)……well, that and I wanted to try out some gluten free biscuits. I’ve noticed that literally all the shops I’ve been in […]
It was my dad’s birthday and I said I’d bake him anything he wanted, anything at all, this was the result. He actually just said ‘Banana and Walnut’. For a moment I thought of bringing over a bowl of chopped bananas and walnut pieces, then quickly realised that that was only funny in my head […]
I took a last minute holiday the week just gone and found myself abandoning any healthy routine I usually have. I over ate (and drank) and got a bit lazy. I did, however, check my baking account and saw two requests. One for baking healthy on a budget and one for gluten free. Ah ha, […]
Peanut Butter & Choc Chip Cookies (with honey roasted peanuts)
July 7, 2014 by bright-admin - in Biscuit, Cookies, Indulgent
I had two cravings. Firstly, a honey roasted nut craving. Unusual? Maybe. Pregnant? Definitely not. Secondly, a baking withdrawal ‘craving’. (Ok, not strictly a ‘craving’ but you see where I’m going here….) Unusual? No. Fixable? Most definitely. So these cookies were the outcome. A little cookie note, the longer you leave these babies in the […]
Wholemeal Peanut Butter Cookies
April 4, 2014 by bright-admin - in Cookies, Healthy Alternative
Peanut butter and peanuts. My mums favourite. When I go to get fed and loved by her, usually on a Sunday, I can often see a look in her eye – a look searching for a peanut inspired bake. Preferably something healthy (ish) that she won’t feel too guilty about. So this is my most […]
Blueberry & Pecan Loaf with Maple Syrup Glaze
March 3, 2014 by bright-admin - in Indulgent, Loaf
Pecans and maple syrup have always reminded me of America. Don’t get me wrong, I have no links to America at all. I’ve been twice in my 28 years, which, combined, span no longer than a total of 3 weeks. But that hasn’t stopped me basing a recipe on the place. And eating it to […]
Healthy ‘on-the-go’ Cookies
March 3, 2014 by bright-admin - in Cookies, Fitness Fuel, Free From, Healthy Alternative
No butter, can be made dairy free, no refined sugar, wholemeal, oaty goodness how-many-am-I-allowed-to-eat-in-a-day cookies. Or I’ve shortened it to ‘on the go’ cookies. Do you ever get that sinking Sunday evening feeling? You know Monday is going to be one of those busy days, you’ll be on the go till your feet hit the […]
Pistachio, Almond & Lime Tray Bake
March 3, 2014 by bright-admin - in Indulgent, Traybake
Nuts. Nuts. Nuts. I love nuts. (Don’t be rude) Particularly almonds. Whole almonds, ground almonds, almond milk. ANY FORM. So much so, I keep having to remind myself not to put nuts in all my recipes because a) some people don’t like them and b) some people are allergic to them. But the day I […]