Tag Archive: Maple Syrup

It’s the new year and lots of people have set themselves food related challenges after the festive indulgence, so I thought I’d make these Healthier Choice Apple and Walnut Muffins to help make this vile feeling a little more bearable and tasty! These Healthier Choice Apple and Walnut Muffins are Vegan, Gluten Free and have […]

I’ve been away on a UK tour of a show, hence a few less posts than normal, and I’ve been so eager to bake! I am back for a week and wanted to make something that I could take away with me as a bit of an energy lift during the interval of the show. […]

So, we’ve had the indulgent Halloween family treat, now time for some healthy halloween baking but also something that is equally as scrummy. This is a waste not, want not sort of bake. So many of us buy a pumpkin, carve a spooky face and then throw away everything we didn’t use. So here is […]

  What is the point of a lemon and poppy seed recipe if it isn’t really lemony and has a shed load of poppy seeds? I was fed up with half hearted flavours, so this one suits my taste to a tee, and yours too I hope! My only comment would be to check your […]

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