So, we’ve had the indulgent Halloween family treat, now time for some healthy halloween baking but also something that is equally as scrummy. This is a waste not, want not sort of bake. So many of us buy a pumpkin, carve a spooky face and then throw away everything we didn’t use. So here is […]
Tag Archive: Luxurious
Posh Nosh – Apple, Caramel & Chocolate Bark
October 10, 2014 by bright-admin - in Bites, Halloween, Indulgent, Traybake
I thought it was time for a bit of a sophisticated Halloween treat. This looks massively posh, but is so blooming easy to make and will be sure to impress (when actually you’ve hardly done anything….) Apple & Caramel scream autumn/Halloween to me, so if you have a bit of the caramel left over why […]
Mocha & White Chocolate Cupcakes (Stuffed With Coffee Cream)
October 10, 2014 by bright-admin - in Cupcake, Indulgent, Muffin
Ohhh Mocha Cupcakes… For AGESĀ I’ve been wanting to put coffee in one of my recipes. I am not a traditional coffee drinker. I’ve never liked it, but I’ve always wanted to. So for the past year or so I’ve been trying to wean myself on it. Stupid really, but I’d like to feel more grown […]
Dark Chocolate & Mint Cookies
September 9, 2014 by bright-admin - in Biscuit, Cookies, Indulgent
Dark chocolate and mint. My absolute favourite flavour combination, so much so that I reckon that’s the bulk of my birthday and Christmas presents right there. No one can go wrong. I’ve been wanting to post something with this combination since day one, but usually the choc mint I keep in my fridge never lasts […]
Gluten Free Carrot & Walnut Trees (well, mini trees)
September 9, 2014 by bright-admin - in Cake, Cupcake, Free From, Gluten Free
I was asked to make a gluten free carrot cake for a good friends 30th birthday party and combined housewarming. Most of my friends love a good carrot cake, but I wanted to do something a little different and so I made these Gluten Free Carrot & Walnut Trees. Also, I always find that a […]
Stupidly Moist Banana & Toblerone Muffins
September 9, 2014 by bright-admin - in Bites, Cupcake, Dessert, Indulgent, Muffin
It’s the end of the summer holiday season and that staple present your dad/sister/cousin/boyfriend brings you back from that exotic destinatation? A Toblerone. Someone was only remembered at the airport on the way home. I jest. (Well, I half jest, as this is often true) BUT let’s look at this positively. Toblerones are well under […]
Nutella Fudge Bites (Treat Day)
June 6, 2014 by bright-admin - in Bites, Indulgent
Ok, there are 3 parts to this post and I feel like I would be cheating you if I didn’t tell you them upfront. 1) I needed a quick ‘impressive’ recipe for a little cocktail party I was holding at my flat. As I didn’t have much time, I suppose I could have just not […]
It was my dad’s birthday and I said I’d bake him anything he wanted, anything at all, this was the result. He actually just said ‘Banana and Walnut’. For a moment I thought of bringing over a bowl of chopped bananas and walnut pieces, then quickly realised that that was only funny in my head […]
Peanut Butter & Choc Chip Cookies (with honey roasted peanuts)
July 7, 2014 by bright-admin - in Biscuit, Cookies, Indulgent
I had two cravings. Firstly, a honey roasted nut craving. Unusual? Maybe. Pregnant? Definitely not. Secondly, a baking withdrawal ‘craving’. (Ok, not strictly a ‘craving’ but you see where I’m going here….) Unusual? No. Fixable? Most definitely. So these cookies were the outcome. A little cookie note, the longer you leave these babies in the […]
Popcorn & ‘Smarties’ – American Style Cookies (naughty)
April 4, 2014 by bright-admin - in Cookies, Indulgent
Easter is done and there’s a ton of goodies to eat. So, this is something I’m making from my pile of bank holiday weekend leftovers (can I also just take this moment to say, how is it already nearing the end of April?!!) Anyway, I’m a massive fan of a mixed salt and sweet treat […]
This ‘Healthy Alternative’ Easter Simnel Traybake is basically Christmas cake for Easter. With a bit less effort. I’ve given up chocolate for lent, so wanted to make something with an Easter vibe that wasn’t covered in it. Don’t get me wrong, as soon as Easter Sunday arrives I’ll be having chocolate for breakfast, lunch and […]
Blueberry & Pecan Loaf with Maple Syrup Glaze
March 3, 2014 by bright-admin - in Indulgent, Loaf
Pecans and maple syrup have always reminded me of America. Don’t get me wrong, I have no links to America at all. I’ve been twice in my 28 years, which, combined, span no longer than a total of 3 weeks. But that hasn’t stopped me basing a recipe on the place. And eating it to […]