I’m off to my friend, Will’s, BBQ and I refuse to go empty handed but I also don’t have much time. These rocky road bars are simple, quick and a massive crowd pleaser. Will is a chocolate fiend, if he’s having a chocolate treat he is having a CHOCOLATE treat. There’s no time for nuts […]
Tag Archive: Luxurious
Rocky Road (with all the bad stuff)
June 6, 2015 by bright-admin - in Biscuit, Bites, Dessert, Indulgent, Traybake
Toffee Crisp Cookies
June 6, 2015 by bright-admin - in Biscuit, Cookies, Indulgent
Yep. You read that right. Toffee Crisp Cookies. Hell yeah. These crispy joys of deliciousness came into existence as part of a family treat. We are all headed to a little country cottage for my mums 60th, she loves my wholemeal and peanut butter cookies (click here for the recipe) so I made a ton […]
Maple Syrup Carrot Cake
April 4, 2015 by bright-admin - in Cake, Indulgent
It was my brother’s girlfriend, Angela’s, birthday and I wanted to make her a cake. I know Carrot Cake is her fave and I thought, what with Easter coming up, it might be quite apt. Not one for being too traditional, I wanted to put a little bit of a spin on it. So was […]
Chocolate and Peanut Butter Cake
March 3, 2015 by bright-admin - in Cake, Indulgent
My little brother, Tom, recently moved into a new flat. Instead of the traditional plant pot, I thought I’d bake him a house warming gift. When I suggested this to him, without a moments hesitation he said ‘I’d like a Chocolate and Peanut Butter Cake’. This, coming from my bother who takes at least a […]
Gluten Free Raspberry Swirl Tray Bake
March 3, 2015 by bright-admin - in Bites, Free From, Gluten Free, Traybake
My Gluten Free Raspberry Swirl Tray Bake has been made for all those incredible and wonderful people who are doing a bake sale for RED NOSE DAY, which is on the 13th March. I wanted to make something that was simple, yet a little different, but, most importantly, totally scrumptious so people will come back […]
Ginger And Maple Syrup Spelt Loaf (Butter free, Reduced Refined Sugar)
January 1, 2015 by bright-admin - in Bread, Breakfast, Dessert, Free From, Healthy Alternative, Loaf
I like bread and I like dessert. I’m also a bit health conscience. So I made this ginger and maple syrup spelt loaf to cater for these three needs. I use a lot of wholemeal flour and came across spelt flour in my local supermarket and thought I’d give it a go. Spelt flour is […]
Blondies With Hot Fudge Sauce (For Bravo)
January 1, 2015 by bright-admin - in Bites, Brownie, Cake, Indulgent, Traybake
I caved. I’ve been so good this January, but I wanted a treat and, I say, if you’re gonna go bad, go really bad. So here are my (really bad but really good) Blondies With Hot Fudge Sauce. In honesty, I added the hot fudge sauce because I had lots of fudge left over from […]
Christmas Celebration Cake
December 12, 2014 by bright-admin - in Cake, Christmas, Dessert
Just a simple Christmas Celebration Cake. My birthday is very close to Christmas so I always have a joint birthday/Christmas party, a great excuse for all my favourite people to get together and, of course, I always bake. So, a short intro, but there’s a lot to this recipe. Here it is, the Christmas Celebration […]
Christmas Scones with Brandy Butter – Wholemeal
December 12, 2014 by bright-admin - in Cake, Christmas, Dessert, Healthy Alternative
Oh Christmas scones. Beautiful lovely Christmas Scones. If you’re a follower of my blog you might remember how much I love a scone. So as its Christmas, I thought I’d make a ‘Christmas’ scone, but one that I wouldn’t feel so bad eating, hence the wholemeal flour. Although if you’re of the ‘who cares, it’s […]
Christmas Baking – Christmas Pudding Chocolate Shortbread
December 12, 2014 by bright-admin - in Biscuit, Bites, Christmas, Cookies, Indulgent
The Christmas baking has begun. I’ve delved in and decided it’s time to get ready, practice, prepare and list all the Christmas Baking that’s to be done over the festive period. I won’t lie, I’ve been thinking up Christmas Baking ideas since the summer, but I’m only just making them, and I couldn’t be happier. […]
Dairy Free Chocolate Mousse
November 11, 2014 by bright-admin - in Dessert, Free From, Gluten Free, Healthy Alternative
I’m having a dinner party. Quite a late night dinner party and I needed a dessert that was light and easy to digest at what would probably end up being midnight. So here I created the dairy free chocolate mousse. This is VERY chocolate-y. You’ve been warned, but a little goes a looooong way here. […]
Mini Strawberry Scones
November 11, 2014 by bright-admin - in Bites, Indulgent
Scones. A classic, sometimes overlooked (?!) staple beaut of a treat. Making these ‘mini strawberry scones’ means I can have one and not feel guilty. Or (more likely) I can have two and not feel THAT guilty. I’ve popped dried strawberries in them instead of raisins/sultanas just because I thought it would go well with […]
Traditional Bonfire Night Parkin (Wholemeal)
November 11, 2014 by bright-admin - in Bites, Cake, Halloween, Indulgent, Traybake
Traditional Bonfire Night Parkin is a customary bake from Lancashire to celebrate/commiserate (however you want to look at it) Guy Fawkes’ failed attempt at blowing up the houses of parliament – Guy Fawkes was from Lancashire. It’s traditionally eaten on the 5th Nov while watching fireworks. Also, to me, this is the very beginning of […]
‘Feel Better’ Gluten Free Granola (Gluten, Dairy & Refined Sugar Free)
November 11, 2014 by bright-admin - in Free From, Gluten Free, Healthy Alternative
Anyone else often have cereal as dessert?? I absolutely LOVE granola! Morning, noon and night. I’d be happy if this was the only meal I ate for the rest of my life (…maybe a slight exaggeration, this evening I made spicy chorizo burgers and that’s gotta be in my top 5 dinners…) Anyway, granola is […]
Valentine’s Day Cupcakes
February 2, 2015 by bright-admin - in Bites, Cake, Cupcake, Dessert, Indulgent, Muffin, Valentines
Say all that mushy stuff and give into consumerism with these Valentine’s Day Cupcakes. Valentine’s day is looming AND one of my best friends had her engagement party last weekend, so I thought it fitting to bake some Valentine’s day cupcakes OR, as I’ve been calling them, “love cakes”. These simple vanilla cupcakes always – […]