My gorgeous friend Nellie has recently been told that she has to try and go gluten and dairy free (as have an increased number of others it seems). When she told me, she seemed a little overwhelmed, so I thought I’d make a simple recipe for her sweet (and now dairy and gluten free) tooth. […]
Tag Archive: Light
Nellie’s Apple & Almond Cake (Gluten & Dairy Free)
June 6, 2014 by bright-admin - in Cake, Dessert, Free From, Gluten Free, Healthy Alternative
I took a last minute holiday the week just gone and found myself abandoning any healthy routine I usually have. I over ate (and drank) and got a bit lazy. I did, however, check my baking account and saw two requests. One for baking healthy on a budget and one for gluten free. Ah ha, […]
Healthy Wholemeal Banana Bread (butter and refined sugar free)
March 3, 2014 by bright-admin - in Bread, Free From, Healthy Alternative, Loaf
This is my “lighter” banana bread. I LOVE banana bread but I’ve come to realise that banana bread is a little like marmite. If you hate it, this recipe probably isn’t meant for you, as I’ve even put whole bits of undisguised banana in it (although my banana hating friend has eaten a slice or […]
Wholemeal Apple and Cinnamon Breakfast Muffins
March 3, 2014 by bright-admin - in Breakfast, Cupcake, Healthy Alternative, Muffin
I’ve called these ‘breakfast muffins’ but I don’t think I’ve actually eaten them for breakfast yet. They ARE perfect for breakfast though (and other times of the day…) They are wholemeal, can be made dairy free AND have fruit in them. A better breakfast than a croissant methinks! Apple and cinnamon is one of my […]