I absolutely LOVE HobNobs. That’s the only reason I really needed to make my very own Homemade Hobnobs. There was one other reason though, I was seeing the boyfriends extended family and wanted to bake something as a little treat. I don’t really know them terribly well, so wanted something that would a) suit all […]
Tag Archive: Digestive
Homemade HobNobs
April 4, 2016 by bright-admin - in Biscuit, Bites, Cookies, Indulgent
Homely Wholemeal Digestive Biscuits
July 7, 2014 by bright-admin - in Biscuit, Bites, Cookies, Healthy Alternative
Wow. What a week I’ve had. Stress city over here! As I was feeling a bit sorry for myself I wanted to bake something that would comfort me, a bake that would be the equivalent of a “nice cuppa tea”. So what else could I make but the simple, humble and near perfect digestive biscuit. […]