Tag Archive: Biscuit

Wow. What a week I’ve had. Stress city over here! As I was feeling a bit sorry for myself I wanted to bake something that would comfort me, a bake that would be the equivalent of a “nice cuppa tea”. So what else could I make but the simple, humble and near perfect digestive biscuit. […]

World Cup fever is definitely upon us and after last weekends result, I thought that maybe the boys needed some baking inspired help from home, hence the lemon, lime & Brazil nuts (get it?!)……well, that and I wanted to try out some gluten free biscuits. I’ve noticed that literally all the shops I’ve been in […]

Ok, there are 3 parts to this post and I feel like I would be cheating you if I didn’t tell you them upfront. 1) I needed a quick ‘impressive’ recipe for a little cocktail party I was holding at my flat. As I didn’t have much time, I suppose I could have just not […]

I had a challenge. My brother’s girlfriend (Mari) was turning 30, so I obviously offered to bake a cake. If you make it to 30, I am willing to TRY and bake anything that your heart desires. I may live to regret saying that. So Mari said she didn’t mind what it was, just something […]

I had two cravings. Firstly, a honey roasted nut craving. Unusual? Maybe. Pregnant? Definitely not. Secondly, a baking withdrawal ‘craving’. (Ok, not strictly a ‘craving’ but you see where I’m going here….) Unusual? No. Fixable? Most definitely. So these cookies were the outcome. A little cookie note, the longer you leave these babies in the […]

Peanut butter and peanuts. My mums favourite. When I go to get fed and loved by her, usually on a Sunday, I can often see a look in her eye – a look searching for a peanut inspired bake. Preferably something healthy (ish) that she won’t feel too guilty about. So this is my most […]

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