Other than a massive craving for Soft & Chewy American Style Cookies, there is no other reason for this post. I had a week off tour, had constantly passed ‘Millie’s Cookies’ stands and resisted temptation and so fancied a treat after some hard work. I have to say, one of my favourite cookie recipes to […]
Tag Archive: American
Soft & Chewy American Style Cookies
February 2, 2016 by bright-admin - in Biscuit, Cookies, Indulgent
Popcorn & ‘Smarties’ – American Style Cookies (naughty)
April 4, 2014 by bright-admin - in Cookies, Indulgent
Easter is done and there’s a ton of goodies to eat. So, this is something I’m making from my pile of bank holiday weekend leftovers (can I also just take this moment to say, how is it already nearing the end of April?!!) Anyway, I’m a massive fan of a mixed salt and sweet treat […]