I absolutely LOVE HobNobs. That’s the only reason I really needed to make my very own Homemade Hobnobs. There was one other reason though, I was seeing the boyfriends extended family and wanted to bake something as a little treat. I don’t really know them terribly well, so wanted something that would
a) suit all tastes
b) would be easy to transport (London-Milton Keynes-Chesterfield) and
c) wouldn’t need some grand unveiling (I’m a shy girl at heart!)
So Homemade HobNobs were my choice, perfect for sitting round with a cuppa! I made a mix of dark chocolate ones (cos they are my fave!) and white chocolate ones, but feel free to melt whatever chocolate you like for the top.
Ingredients for Homemade HobNobs
140g Wholemeal Flour (plus extra for dusting)
60g oats
1 tsp baking powder
50g caster sugar
90g unsalted butter (at room temperature and cubed)
2-3 tbsp milk (any sort)
100g chocolate (of your choice)
A 2 1/2 inch round cookie cutter (or top of a glass if you don’t have one!)
makes about 18-20 Homemade HobNobs
preheat oven to 170oC
2-3 baking sheets lined and/or greased
1) In a large bowl combine the flour, oats, baking powder and sugar and mix with a wooden spoon until everything is evenly dispersed.
2) Now plop in the butter and rub together with your fingertips. BE GENTLE, as little ‘rubbing’ as you can do/need. You want to lift the flour and butter with your fingertips and squidge it together then let it fall back into the bowl. Do this until it is all combined and you have a ball of dough. If it’s a little flakey add the milk slowly until it all sticks together nicely.
3) Wrap your ball of dough in a bit of cling film and pop in the fridge for about 15/20 mins. Once chilled, roll the dough out onto a floured surface until it is quite thin – I recommend between 1-2cm. Cut out your biscuits with your cookie cutter/makeshift glass. (Make the most of all the dough by re rolling any leftovers and repeating)
4) Place biscuits on your baking sheets, they don’t really spread so they can be quite close together. Pop in the oven for about 13-14 mins, they will golden round the edge slightly when they are done. Leave to cool on the sheets for a few minutes then transfer onto a wire rack to cool completely.
5) Once cool, it’s time to get onto the chocolate. Melt the chocolate. (click here for my preferred method, number 11) Once done, use a teaspoon to dollop some chocolate onto the middle of the cookie and spread it out with the back of the spoon. Repeat with all cookies and chuck them the fridge to set.
….There you have it – Homemade HobNob delights, time to put the kettle on!