Half Term HobNobs

Half Term HobNobs – Wholemeal

February 2, 2015 by: bright-admin Biscuit, Bites, Cookies

“Half Term HobNobs” were created because I imagine some of you might like something to bake with the children while it’s half term? These are wholemeal too, so they’re not only a fun little thing to spend an afternoon making, you also don’t have to feel quite so bad when devouring them too.
Although these were born as “Half Term HobNobs”, I’m certainly gonna make them for “Grown Up Tea Break” too.

Ingredients For Half Term HobNobs

140g Wholemeal Flour (+ a little extra for surface sprinkling when rolling dough out)
60g Oats
50g Caster Sugar
90g Unsalted Butter
2-3 tbsp Milk (any sort)
100g Chocolate of your choice (I used 50g white/50g dark)

Makes about 18-20 Half Term HobNobs

3 greased/lined baking sheets

Pre heat oven to 170oC

1) In a large bowl combine the flour, oats, baking powder and sugar and mix until everything is combined evenly.

2) Now plop in the butter and rub together with your fingertips. BE GENTLE, as little rubbing as you can do/need. You want to lift the flour and butter with your fingertips and squidge it together then let it fall back into the bowl. Do this until it is all combined and you have a ball of dough. If it’s a little flakey add the milk slowly until it all sticks together nicely.

3) Wrap your ball of dough in a bit of cling film and pop in the fridge for about 15/20 mins. Once chilled, roll the dough out onto a floured surface until it is quite thin, for these Half Term HobNobs I recommend about 1cm. Cut out your biscuits with your preferred cookie cutter/makeshift glass.

4) Place biscuits on your baking sheets, they don’t really spread so they can be quite close together. Pop in the oven for about 13-14 mins, they will golden round the edge slightly when they are done. Leave to cool on the sheets for a few minutes then transfer onto a wire rack to cool completely.

5) Once cool, it’s time to get onto the chocolate. Melt the chocolate. (click here for my preferred method, number 11) Once done, simply dip all or half of the Half Term HobNobs into the bowl of melted chocolate and place on a plate until set (chuck them in the fridge if you can’t wait long!)


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  • Greetings from not as awesome like Japan souehtrn California!!! These my friend look amazing… Put some in a box and ship them to me! I need to find all the ingridients and “attempt” to bake these! <3 Ivette Tapia

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