I was given a task. A vegan task. A request from Jonno’s (my boyfriend) friend, Gregg. I have been sending Jonno into work with various baking treats, trying to rid my household of what my will power cannot control. I have therefore been, mildly and happily, fattening the West End cast of Shakespeare In Love, […]
'Traybake' recipes
Vegan and Gluten Free Carrot and Coconut Bites
March 3, 2015 by bright-admin - in Bites, Free From, Gluten Free, Healthy Alternative, Loaf, Traybake, Vegan
Gluten Free Raspberry Swirl Tray Bake
March 3, 2015 by bright-admin - in Bites, Free From, Gluten Free, Traybake
My Gluten Free Raspberry Swirl Tray Bake has been made for all those incredible and wonderful people who are doing a bake sale for RED NOSE DAY, which is on the 13th March. I wanted to make something that was simple, yet a little different, but, most importantly, totally scrumptious so people will come back […]
Blondies With Hot Fudge Sauce (For Bravo)
January 1, 2015 by bright-admin - in Bites, Brownie, Cake, Indulgent, Traybake
I caved. I’ve been so good this January, but I wanted a treat and, I say, if you’re gonna go bad, go really bad. So here are my (really bad but really good) Blondies With Hot Fudge Sauce. In honesty, I added the hot fudge sauce because I had lots of fudge left over from […]
Gluten Free Lemon And Blueberry Mini Loaves (Reduced Sugar)
January 1, 2015 by bright-admin - in Bites, Free From, Gluten Free, Healthy Alternative, Loaf, Traybake
The Jan diet is getting tough right? So I thought I’d create these Gluten Free Lemon and Blueberry Mini Loaves as a healthy-ish treat. I’ve made them reduced sugar too, so less guilt and they can easily be made dairy free by swapping the milk for almond milk. I also LOVE blueberry and lemon together, […]
Christmas Rocky Road
December 12, 2014 by bright-admin - in Biscuit, Bites, Christmas, Indulgent, Traybake
Christmas Rocky Road is probably the easiest Christmas themed treat there is going. It’s utterly indulgent and perfect for the chocolate lover. I wanted something that was going to be quick & easy to make, look Christmassay and made me feel naughty eating it. I reckon this Christmas Rocky Road covers all those bases. But […]
Traditional Bonfire Night Parkin (Wholemeal)
November 11, 2014 by bright-admin - in Bites, Cake, Halloween, Indulgent, Traybake
Traditional Bonfire Night Parkin is a customary bake from Lancashire to celebrate/commiserate (however you want to look at it) Guy Fawkes’ failed attempt at blowing up the houses of parliament – Guy Fawkes was from Lancashire. It’s traditionally eaten on the 5th Nov while watching fireworks. Also, to me, this is the very beginning of […]
Posh Nosh – Apple, Caramel & Chocolate Bark
October 10, 2014 by bright-admin - in Bites, Halloween, Indulgent, Traybake
I thought it was time for a bit of a sophisticated Halloween treat. This looks massively posh, but is so blooming easy to make and will be sure to impress (when actually you’ve hardly done anything….) Apple & Caramel scream autumn/Halloween to me, so if you have a bit of the caramel left over why […]
Dirty & Gooey Chocolate Brownie
May 5, 2014 by bright-admin - in Brownie, Indulgent, Traybake
I had a challenge. My brother’s girlfriend (Mari) was turning 30, so I obviously offered to bake a cake. If you make it to 30, I am willing to TRY and bake anything that your heart desires. I may live to regret saying that. So Mari said she didn’t mind what it was, just something […]
I took a last minute holiday the week just gone and found myself abandoning any healthy routine I usually have. I over ate (and drank) and got a bit lazy. I did, however, check my baking account and saw two requests. One for baking healthy on a budget and one for gluten free. Ah ha, […]
This ‘Healthy Alternative’ Easter Simnel Traybake is basically Christmas cake for Easter. With a bit less effort. I’ve given up chocolate for lent, so wanted to make something with an Easter vibe that wasn’t covered in it. Don’t get me wrong, as soon as Easter Sunday arrives I’ll be having chocolate for breakfast, lunch and […]
Pistachio, Almond & Lime Tray Bake
March 3, 2014 by bright-admin - in Indulgent, Traybake
Nuts. Nuts. Nuts. I love nuts. (Don’t be rude) Particularly almonds. Whole almonds, ground almonds, almond milk. ANY FORM. So much so, I keep having to remind myself not to put nuts in all my recipes because a) some people don’t like them and b) some people are allergic to them. But the day I […]