'Fitness Fuel' recipes

Right, it’s the new year. Gym membership renewed. Gluten Free Protein Flapjacks made. Myself and my boyfriend, Jonno, are getting back onto a health kick. I’m quite a keen gym-er, as is Jonno, we have to be with the amount of cakes and biscuits that are always floating around our kitchen! For a while I’ve […]

I thought it was about time I made a healthy bake (I’ve got a family wedding this weekend and didn’t want to be bloated in my new, slightly tighter than usual, dress) and so I created these Healthy Alternative Peanut Butter, Banana and Oat Muffins. I wanted something super good for you and super easy […]

No butter, can be made dairy free, no refined sugar, wholemeal, oaty goodness how-many-am-I-allowed-to-eat-in-a-day cookies. Or I’ve shortened it to ‘on the go’ cookies. Do you ever get that sinking Sunday evening feeling? You know Monday is going to be one of those busy days, you’ll be on the go till your feet hit the […]

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