I had two cravings. Firstly, a honey roasted nut craving. Unusual? Maybe. Pregnant? Definitely not. Secondly, a baking withdrawal ‘craving’. (Ok, not strictly a ‘craving’ but you see where I’m going here….) Unusual? No. Fixable? Most definitely. So these cookies were the outcome. A little cookie note, the longer you leave these babies in the […]
'Cookies' recipes
Peanut Butter & Choc Chip Cookies (with honey roasted peanuts)
July 7, 2014 by bright-admin - in Biscuit, Cookies, Indulgent
Popcorn & ‘Smarties’ – American Style Cookies (naughty)
April 4, 2014 by bright-admin - in Cookies, Indulgent
Easter is done and there’s a ton of goodies to eat. So, this is something I’m making from my pile of bank holiday weekend leftovers (can I also just take this moment to say, how is it already nearing the end of April?!!) Anyway, I’m a massive fan of a mixed salt and sweet treat […]
Wholemeal Peanut Butter Cookies
April 4, 2014 by bright-admin - in Cookies, Healthy Alternative
Peanut butter and peanuts. My mums favourite. When I go to get fed and loved by her, usually on a Sunday, I can often see a look in her eye – a look searching for a peanut inspired bake. Preferably something healthy (ish) that she won’t feel too guilty about. So this is my most […]
Healthy ‘on-the-go’ Cookies
March 3, 2014 by bright-admin - in Cookies, Fitness Fuel, Free From, Healthy Alternative
No butter, can be made dairy free, no refined sugar, wholemeal, oaty goodness how-many-am-I-allowed-to-eat-in-a-day cookies. Or I’ve shortened it to ‘on the go’ cookies. Do you ever get that sinking Sunday evening feeling? You know Monday is going to be one of those busy days, you’ll be on the go till your feet hit the […]