'Bites' recipes

Traditional Bonfire Night Parkin is a customary bake from Lancashire to celebrate/commiserate (however you want to look at it) Guy Fawkes’ failed attempt at blowing up the houses of parliament – Guy Fawkes was from Lancashire. It’s traditionally eaten on the 5th Nov while watching fireworks. Also, to me, this is the very beginning of […]

Say all that mushy stuff and give into consumerism with these Valentine’s Day Cupcakes. Valentine’s day is looming AND one of my best friends had her engagement party last weekend, so I thought it fitting to bake some Valentine’s day cupcakes OR, as I’ve been calling them, “love cakes”. These simple vanilla cupcakes always – […]

I thought it was time for a bit of a sophisticated Halloween treat. This looks massively posh, but is so blooming easy to make and will be sure to impress (when actually you’ve hardly done anything….) Apple & Caramel scream autumn/Halloween to me, so if you have a bit of the caramel left over why […]

I thought it was about time I made a healthy bake (I’ve got a family wedding this weekend and didn’t want to be bloated in my new, slightly tighter than usual, dress) and so I created these Healthy Alternative Peanut Butter, Banana and Oat Muffins. I wanted something super good for you and super easy […]

It’s the end of the summer holiday season and that staple present your dad/sister/cousin/boyfriend brings you back from that exotic destinatation? A Toblerone. Someone was only remembered at the airport on the way home. I jest. (Well, I half jest, as this is often true) BUT let’s look at this positively. Toblerones are well under […]

Wow. What a week I’ve had. Stress city over here! As I was feeling a bit sorry for myself I wanted to bake something that would comfort me, a bake that would be the equivalent of a “nice cuppa tea”. So what else could I make but the simple, humble and near perfect digestive biscuit. […]

Ok, there are 3 parts to this post and I feel like I would be cheating you if I didn’t tell you them upfront. 1) I needed a quick ‘impressive’ recipe for a little cocktail party I was holding at my flat. As I didn’t have much time, I suppose I could have just not […]

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