'Bites' recipes

Usually my baking creations are invented because of an impending event or request, but these Vegan Choco Krispies were born out of lust. A purely selfish bake – I wanted chocolate, I wanted coconut oil, I wanted something crunchy but fudgey and I didn’t want to feel too bad about eating it (so hopefully you […]

I absolutely LOVE HobNobs. That’s the only reason I really needed to make my very own Homemade Hobnobs. There was one other reason though, I was seeing the boyfriends extended family and wanted to bake something as a little treat. I don’t really know them terribly well, so wanted something that would a) suit all […]

I love snacking. One of my fellow cast members on the tour I am on calls me a little rabbit – always in the corner munching on something (leave your dirty jokes at the door please…!). ‘Healthy’ snacking can be challenging sometimes, so here is where my Pistachio Power Balls come into fruition. These are […]

These are my Valentine Day alternatives. For those who want to celebrate or commiserate this impending commercialised affair. If you want to bake for yourself or for all your single friends or even for those who are completely in love but just can’t stand the standard pink and red vibes. These ‘Black Heart’ Sugar Cookies […]

These Vegan Cranberry & Pecan Upside Down Cakes are not only for the Vegan crowd. I wanted to make something that I could serve at a dinner party (or any party for that matter) and no one would know whether it was vegan/healthy/indulgent/whatever – a crowd pleaser, something that would go down well with everyone, […]

It would NOT be Christmas without Gingerbread. Fact. As I (..and my family and other half) get through a ton of them, I wanted to make them with a slightly ‘healthier’ twist. So were born my Wholemeal and Spelt Gingerbread Men. If I’m being really honest, I can promise you I don’t think you can […]

If you’re looking for a cheap, quick, stylish and easy gift or dinner party number then these Deceptively Posh DIY Chocs are for you! The hidden gem to this recipe is that your humble ice cube tray does all the work for you (well, almost..!) You could use some actual chocolate moulds if you have […]

It always puts a smile on my face when I see Christmas themed snacks and desserts and this is where my Christmas Tree Meringues have come from. I’m not particularly great at the decoration side of baking but still wanted that smile factor. This is something all of us can make whatever your skill level. […]

I’ve recently become a MARMITE SPECIAL ADVISOR (yep, real thing!). Which basically means I love Marmite so much and want to tell the world about it. The Marmite company (or I like to think of them more like family) have become aware of this and sent me some, guess what, Marmite, hence my new creation […]

I’ve been away on a UK tour of a show, hence a few less posts than normal, and I’ve been so eager to bake! I am back for a week and wanted to make something that I could take away with me as a bit of an energy lift during the interval of the show. […]

My boyfriend’s Dad, Ian, is a coffee fiend…and I don’t think he would mind me saying that. So trips back to see his parents in Milton Keynes often inspire some baking. Therefore these, Coffee & Chocolate Mini Loaves, are for Ian. The man who helps with my blog, assists me in anything technical and plies […]

It’s still feeling summer-y and it’s also my Grandad’s birthday. My Grandad is notoriously picky when it comes to food, he likes simple flavours and nothing too far from the ‘ordinary’. My vegan/gluten/nut free coconut and lime energy balls would not be up his street, but who doesn’t like a classic Victoria sponge? To be […]

These Lemon & Lime Olive Oil Mini Muffins also come with a little lemon and lime drizzle – to make them extra special. This is a re-vamped version of an older post (actually one of my first!). I really fancied baking something, but with the weather so warm, I was a little confused with what […]

It’s just TOO hot to bake, but I want a nutritious and cooling snack. I got my thinking cap on and so here are my Nutty Fridge Bars – they live in the fridge to keep them fresh and cool and are sort of like a sticky version of a granola bar. Gluten Free and […]

I asked my Dad what he would like me to bake in the lead up to Christmas and he promptly answered SCONES. I’ve made scones before (Wholemeal Christmas Spice Scones – Mini Strawberry Scones) but he said he wanted the classic fluffy sultana scone with a twist. I thought alcohol was the answer to this […]

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