Yep. You read that right. Toffee Crisp Cookies. Hell yeah. These crispy joys of deliciousness came into existence as part of a family treat. We are all headed to a little country cottage for my mums 60th, she loves my wholemeal and peanut butter cookies (click here for the recipe) so I made a ton […]
'Biscuit' recipes
Toffee Crisp Cookies
June 6, 2015 by bright-admin - in Biscuit, Cookies, Indulgent
Gluten and Dairy Free Cookies – only 5 ingredients!
April 4, 2015 by bright-admin - in Biscuit, Bites, Breakfast, Free From, Gluten Free, Healthy Alternative
I’ve over indulged. Again. My excuse: I’ve been busy, it was Easter, lots of food on the go, needing a quick sugar fix and no time to bake. The rush has calmed and so I made these SUPER SUPER HEALTHY Gluten and Dairy Free Cookies. I also challenged myself to keep the cost down, so […]
Half Term HobNobs – Wholemeal
February 2, 2015 by bright-admin - in Biscuit, Bites, Cookies
“Half Term HobNobs” were created because I imagine some of you might like something to bake with the children while it’s half term? These are wholemeal too, so they’re not only a fun little thing to spend an afternoon making, you also don’t have to feel quite so bad when devouring them too. Although these […]
Christmas Rocky Road
December 12, 2014 by bright-admin - in Biscuit, Bites, Christmas, Indulgent, Traybake
Christmas Rocky Road is probably the easiest Christmas themed treat there is going. It’s utterly indulgent and perfect for the chocolate lover. I wanted something that was going to be quick & easy to make, look Christmassay and made me feel naughty eating it. I reckon this Christmas Rocky Road covers all those bases. But […]
Christmas Baking – Christmas Pudding Chocolate Shortbread
December 12, 2014 by bright-admin - in Biscuit, Bites, Christmas, Cookies, Indulgent
The Christmas baking has begun. I’ve delved in and decided it’s time to get ready, practice, prepare and list all the Christmas Baking that’s to be done over the festive period. I won’t lie, I’ve been thinking up Christmas Baking ideas since the summer, but I’m only just making them, and I couldn’t be happier. […]
Dark Chocolate & Mint Cookies
September 9, 2014 by bright-admin - in Biscuit, Cookies, Indulgent
Dark chocolate and mint. My absolute favourite flavour combination, so much so that I reckon that’s the bulk of my birthday and Christmas presents right there. No one can go wrong. I’ve been wanting to post something with this combination since day one, but usually the choc mint I keep in my fridge never lasts […]
Homely Wholemeal Digestive Biscuits
July 7, 2014 by bright-admin - in Biscuit, Bites, Cookies, Healthy Alternative
Wow. What a week I’ve had. Stress city over here! As I was feeling a bit sorry for myself I wanted to bake something that would comfort me, a bake that would be the equivalent of a “nice cuppa tea”. So what else could I make but the simple, humble and near perfect digestive biscuit. […]
World Cup fever is definitely upon us and after last weekends result, I thought that maybe the boys needed some baking inspired help from home, hence the lemon, lime & Brazil nuts (get it?!)……well, that and I wanted to try out some gluten free biscuits. I’ve noticed that literally all the shops I’ve been in […]
Peanut Butter & Choc Chip Cookies (with honey roasted peanuts)
July 7, 2014 by bright-admin - in Biscuit, Cookies, Indulgent
I had two cravings. Firstly, a honey roasted nut craving. Unusual? Maybe. Pregnant? Definitely not. Secondly, a baking withdrawal ‘craving’. (Ok, not strictly a ‘craving’ but you see where I’m going here….) Unusual? No. Fixable? Most definitely. So these cookies were the outcome. A little cookie note, the longer you leave these babies in the […]